Continuing our celebration of 5 Years Of Tsuba we catch up with Phillip Lauer, one half of Arto Mwambe, who's remix of 'Cantona Kung Fu' has been getting major props from the likes of Osunlade, Agnes and Iron Curtis:
1. Your favourite DJ and why?
ATA i guess - very influential dude
2. What track never leaves your box?
FR david - words
3. Best club in the world?
robert johnson
4. Current top 3?
1) l.i.e.s. - comback dust - legowelt rmx
2( drumman - white tie, black hole
3( fake left - roots in the sky
5. Plans for 2011?
hang out with my family, go to work, make music, go on vacation with the family
6. Tip for the top in 2011?
i read on blogs that vacation will be the next big thing
7. Favourite Tsuba track?
rio padice - the tsuba LTD - great sounding and honest 909 workouts - will never be boring-
8. Best movie of all time?
the sure thing
9. Tell us something we don't know about you?
i can raise my body temperature by eating a certain type of german candy. no joke.
Arto Mwambe's remix of Kevin Griffiths 'Cantona Kung Fu' is available to download now on Beatport and on vinyl from Juno.
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